Written by Chris White
Saturday, 27 December 2008 19:22
My interjections are in Black Italic for differentiation
Only days after multi-millionaire Declan Ganley
Only days after multi-millionaire Declan Ganley

To view the entry at The Electoral Commission's web site Click Here You will of course be minded that EUkip are not on the best of terms with The El.Com. being subjects of a Guilty verdict in the Courts for the dishonesty, in terms of electoral law, of Nigel Farage, David Lott, Andrew Smith and others in EUkip's leadership/management.
Playing fast & loose with registration for 'posture' sake will hardly endear EUkip with a Judicial Review pending!
Bridget Rowe, self styled dynamic newspaperwoman and close friend of Nigel Farage the charismatic leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, is listed as “leader” of newly registered Libertas UK on the electoral commission’s website register of political parties.
The party’s address is given as 400 Main Road, Westerham Hill, in Kent, which is believed to be Bridget Rowe’s home. Her nominating officer is J.M. Greenbough and her Treasurer is given as Damian Wilson.
Bridget Rowe,

You will note that Ms. Rowe has been noted back in November if you Click Here - she has been portrayed as brassy and foul mouthed lacking the competence or gravitas to take other than a bit player role.
She is known in Brussels as a key UKIP player who is close to Nigel Farage.
Is this not a benefit enjoyed by all the women he buys in! Farage's propensity for the paid services of his female staff are much commented on - as with his proud boast that he did not pay the prostitute who he was repor
ted to have been with by The News of The World.
UKIP officials close to the leadership have described her as “the replacement national press officer”.
Either this UKIP insider has defected to Libertas or, it is being speculated, she has launched a spoiler operation.
I very much doubt she has joined Libertas/Ganley as I am given to understand Ganley has no interests in EUkip seeing them as 'A busted flush' and I doubt Declan Ganley would be much impressed by her challenged vocabulary and lack of skills.
Under the Registration of Political Parties Act of 1998 brought in after a party calling itself Literal Democrats caused confusion and damage to the Liberal Democrats no other party can now use a name close to Libertas.
There is a posibility that Ms. Rowe is profiteering, on an insider basis, by 'Name Squatting' - You may well recal that I purchased various UKIP web addresses to prevent them being purchased by enemies of UKIP - sadly having provided them in good faith to UKIP they have now fallen under the control of UKIP's enemies the corrupt leadership and NEC of EUkip.
We have been unable to contact Libertas although a Brussels official promised before Christmas Day that someone would contact us. Paul Nuttal, UKIP party chairman, did return our call to say he was unable to contact his leader Nigel Farage on Christmas Eve.
Mr Nuttal did say that he knew nothing about the registration of a party by Bridget Rowe.
Surely no one should be surprised that Farage's puppet NuttAll hasn't a clue what is going on! He will merely be used as a tool and puppet to carry out Farage's bidding. Farage is now so deeply unpopular within EUkip & more so in UKIP that he can trust virtually no one - they could not trust him!
He speculated that if Mr Farage was behind a “spoiler operation” it would be a great story. A source close to UKIP told us that this was the most likely explanation “since Nigel Farage has done something very like this before”.
It is VERY unlikely that Farage would have ANY plan further than trying to get HIMSELF elected. EUkip is bereft of leadership, has no vision, less strategy and no structure.
Just how Declan Ganley who lives in Galway and is blamed by the EU for orchestrating the Irish no to the Lisbon Treaty campaign and who made his millions as a contractor to American defence industries could have overlooked such a fundamental issue as registering his party in the UK is a matter for speculation.
Sadly it is becoming increasingly noticeable that Libertas is walking into every pitfall and has little political nouse or agility.
UKIP will campaign in the June elections on a policy of leaving the EU.
Though it is well known that Nigel Farage proposed that EUkip should change its stance and become far more involved within the EU as a Reformist Party but was voted down, even by his puppets and placemen that are the NEC & Leadership. In desparation to have total control Farage has put forward a fanciful story of BNP infiltration though only the VERY gullible give any credence to the lies.
Declan Ganley poses as much, if not more of a threat to the British Conservatives campaigning on a policy of EU Reform as to UKIP. After his press conference in Brussels just eight days before Libertas UK was registered Libertas EU said in a statement:
“Speaking to a packed Press Conference at Libertas’ newly opened European Headquarters in Brussels, Mr. Ganley said that Libertas would field candidates across the European Union on a common pro-European platform of democracy, accountability and transparency.“
Mr. Ganley stated that Europeans have reached a crossroads:
“If people want a strong and healthy Europe that is democratic and answerable to them, they should vote for a Libertas candidate. If they do not want Europe to succeed or if they are happy with the current undemocratic practises, then they should vote for an incumbent party. For those who weren’t given a vote on the Lisbon Treaty, this will be their referendum”.
Libertas in the UK clearly can not see its complete irrelevance as they are merely putting forward a Conservative Party Policy with slight differences - The Tories have much to fear from this faction but EUkip is providing all the causes of their own demise, without help from outside.
“Libertas will run candidates in every country where the candidates are of a high standard, committed to the Libertas’s pro-European stance and its platform of democracy, accountability and transparency aimed at bring European back to the people.”
The statement 'candidates of high quality' is a very subjective judgement especially having left their venture so late - consider for a moment the staggeringly poor calibre of the vaste majority of British Politicians of all parties and then wonder just what Declan Ganley will offer that can establish candidates of callibre!
The original article can be read if you Click Here
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